Saturday, 7 May 2011


Ms. Nga (a female Christian):

1. Have you practiced this religion since birth?

2. What factors led you to practice this religion?
---My family has been practicing Christianity from long ago, and so of course I have to practice this.

3. What did Christianity teach you?
---Um... basically just how to live the right life. It teached me how to donate, do positive things, don't try to fight- especially to your family and parents-, don't steal, don't kill, and just don't betray. Sum up, all the bad actions should be eliminated.

4. Do you have any harsh conditions in practicing this?
---No. Even though the government of Vietnam and some opposing groups have been protesting, but it was a long time ago.

5. What do you believe in?
---I believe in God, of course. All the things you do everyday and how your life is structured is all decided by God himself. God gave birth to you, and when you die, you return to heaven with God. However, if you have too many sins you do not accept or apologize, you go down to hell.

6. How do you pray?
---I do pray. The way of praying as a Christian is very simple. It is like having a conversation with God like you have with your parents, telling all the good and bad things you had today or in your life. I, personally, pray every night before I sleep, and before eating, I do the cross "Father, Son, Holy Spirit"

7. Have you ever questioned your faith?
---Sometimes I think about it, but not very deep. I only live the life God have given me.

8. What rituals and practices do you have to go through?
---Christmas, when everyone celebrates during the winter. I also celebrate Easter in April 22- which is the day that Jesus died. And on the night of April 23rd, Jesus was reborn.

9. Do you know any books about Christianity?
---So far, I only read the Holy Bible. It tells everything about God.

10. How many times do you have to pray a day?
---I pray one time every night, and before eating, I make the cross.

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